Approximate history of the Glamtastics ( to review and further clarity:-)
The history of The Glamtastics starts in Norwich, UK in the year 1998. Farrah Fawcett-Minor (bass and vocals), Captain John Snort (guitar and vocals), Carlos Sultana (guitar), Del Skinner (guitar and lead vocals) & Speedy (drums) agreed on ‘The Critters’ as a band name. Gigging started shortly after where they would often be found raising the roof at The Ship public house in Gt. Yarmouth (remember Molly?) along with other local venues. The set was primarily classic rock and country rock covers from the 70’s and 80’s.
During the early noughties Del and Speedy departed, Farrah took over lead vocals and Luke Warm took over on the drums. This prompted the band to change their name to the Glamtastics and change the set a little by the introduction of a few 70’s glam numbers. Regular gigs continued to snowball whilst the set continued to evolve.
Towards the end of the noughties Farrah departed, being replaced by Duncan Disorderly on lead vocals and Warren Peace on bass.
Warren’s wardrobe of second hand floral dresses was the envy of the other band members until he departed after a couple of years playing in the band. Enter Eddie Van Driver on bass guitar:-)
Duncan Disorderly left the band in 2013 due to serious illness and Wiggy Stardust kindly offered to take over on lead vocals. Duncan Disorderly (Mat Bayfield) sadly passed away in 2019.
Since Wiggy took over on vocals, the line-up changed in 2021 when Eddie departed and Russell Sprout took over on bass guitar – but he decided to leave in late 2023 so… Randy Odwell jumped into his shoes – what a star! As always, the band have continued to be in high demand across the UK.